Beautiful pics of Geri Halliwell and Jenny Taft feet legs

Geri Halliwell is British pop musician, singer, clothing designer, and actress. Ginger Spice, a Spice Girls girl who was part of the Spice Girls girl group that has become the most popular girl group during the 90s. As a woman with many talents, she's worked as a glamorous model, as well as an aspiring dancer. Her beginnings in modeling began when she was a girl in the Spice Girls. Virgin Records was her first record label. After a few months, the group released its debut single, Wannabe. It is a song focused on women's empowerment. The song was a huge hit and reached the top of charts around the world. Spice The group's debut album, was a global hit and topped many charts. This album is one of greatest albums, and has sold over 23 million copies around the globe. Halliwell was forced to leave the group to pursue her own career in the late 1990s when she released her single Look at Me. The track, which was well received by reviewers as it made its way onto many charts, also reached high reviews. Schizophonic her debut album was quite a success. Halliwell is a professional musician by profession and a popular singer, also has a reputation for other artistic works. She was named the Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Population Fund in 1999.

Jenny Taft moderates a sports show on Fox Sports 1 called 'Skip Shannon Undisputed'. Shannon Undisputed. The actress is an American television personality. Taft was raised with a large family of athletes. She developed a love of sports from a very early time. Although she was a competitor in a variety of sports throughout the time of her college and school years, it wasn't until later when Taft took the choice to focus on broadcasting. Taft started working as a local affiliate and sideline reporter with Fox Sports North, after receiving a degree in broadcast journalism at Boston University. In addition to covering sports, Taft worked as social media content contributors, and was also filling the gaps for a variety of games. Then she was promoted to work for Fox Sports 1 as part of their News and Highlights team. As part of FS1 Taft was a reporter for reputed championships and reported them from the ground. In parallel, she was an official college sideline reporter. In the following years, Gus Johnson and Joel Klatt were appointed as the head of the coverage of college football. At the time of writing her most notable accomplishment was when she was requested to serve as the moderator in the popular TV show Skip and Shannon: Undisputed the post that she still holds to this day. In the past she was the host of CFB Inside Slant and also as serving in the role of pit reporter on the Discovery series Battlebots.

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